For as long as I can remember, I’ve always felt a deep connection to God through worship. So when I discovered my passion for fitness in my early twenties, it only seemed natural that I would find myself worshipping while working out.
At first, that looked like listening to worship music while I was at the gym, and sometimes I still do. Though over time it became more than that as I began to learn into the reverent experience of knowing that the body I was moving through every exercise was GIVEN to me by God.
Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and as given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honour God with your body.
- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
When you think about the connection between fitness and faith, was this the scripture that came to mind? Yes, our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and we should honour and take care of them as such. However, the second part of verse 19 clearly states that our bodies have also be given to us by God which is that part that I want to highlight.
Knowing that God always operates from a place of intention, I can’t help but to think about how He gave me THIS body for a reason. These muscle fibres, blood cells, sweat glands etc. were all uniquely put together to form this vessel which was given to me by the Father to live out my divine purpose.
Now when you think about your body like that, how can you not treat it with the utmost love and respect?
Whether I’m making sure to fill my cart with 80% nutrient-dense foods at the grocery store, or getting in a workout on the days when I really don’t feel like it, those choices that I make in my every day that benefit my health and my body are all forms of worship.
As long as I remember that this body is not my own but that it was GIVEN me with intention and for a purpose, I can continue to show up faithfully for myself through fitness. Understanding that this is not just a workout, this is worship.
Kairah is a Certified Personal Trainer and Body Confidence Coach. After graduating from the University of Ottawa in 2018 with an Honours Bachelor in Health Sciences, she started her online health coaching business where she focuses on teaching women how to build bodies they feel confident in without restrictive dieting. You can connect with her on Instagram @kairahjames or visit her website to learn more about her services

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